Study Abroad

Gakushuin University Exchange Program

The City

Tokyo, Japan is a mix of modern and traditional life. With a population nearing 14 million the city has what feels like a limitless amount of activities and sites to explore. You could visit the Meiji Shinot Shrine, the Imperial Palace, and museums with exhibits on a wide range of topics, and let’s not overlook ANIME!

The University

Gakushuin University (GU) began lectures in 1847. The small-group classes at GU and the enclosure of the entire university within a single campus ensures that students and professors remain in close contact with each other, further enhancing the learning environment for students.

Area of Study

Students will have the opportunity to take Japanese language courses, but also a selection of academic courses offered in English.

Japanese Language Requirements

Students will be required to meet one of the following conditions regarding Japanese language ability:

  • have studied Japanese for 2 years or more before coming to GU;
  • have passed an N4 or higher level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test or to demonstrate an equivalent level of Japanese proficiency; or
  • participate in the Japanese Language Preparatory Course (JLPC), on-line Japanese language training course offered by GU for six months prior to the start of the exchange program.


  • 3.0 minimum GPA
  • Resume
  • Two letters of recommendation from UT faculty/staff and one additional letter from an off-campus reference

Students Pay

  • Utah Tech University Tuition and Fees
  • $350 Program Fee/per semester
  • Mandatory International Travel Insurance
  • Airfare (students book and pay for own airfare)
  • $350- $875 monthly Housing Costs (discounts when available)
  • Books
  • Personal Expenses

Semester Dates

Fall Semester: September – January
Spring Semester: April – July


February 1 (for fall semester)
September 30 (for spring semester)



Phone: 435-879-4714

Office: Student Activity Center (SAC) 106