Program Information

  • Program/ Course Title: Dental Health Services Study Abroad
  • Course ID: GLS 4990R
  • Credit Hours: 2
  • Semester: Spring
  • Proposed Location: Dominican Republic
  • Program Type: Service
  • Program Date: August 5, 2023 – August 12, 2023
  • Directed by: Kimberly Jensen -
  • Additional Faculty: David Hulet -, Christine Loveless -,
  • Department(s): Dental Hygiene

Required Approvals

Andrew Belmont
Department Chair




Global Education Director






Program Justification

Please read and address the following questions as part of your program description and attach to the application.

Academic Strength

  • What academic goal or requirement does the course provide students?

    Students will develop skills in communication and collaboration as they work with other dental professionals, expand their knowledge of cultural awareness, and increase clinical skills as they provide oral health care for individuals in need.

  • Does the program fit a needed academic or geographical niche not available at Utah Tech?

    Yes. Students will have the opportunity to see disparities in oral health in a third ·world country, an experience they could not have in our local area.

  • Is the course part of a department and school objective, consistent with regular department curriculum?

    Program Learning Outcome #3 -Health Care Systems - Promote oral health through education and service in public health and alternative settings.

    Program Learning Outcome #5 - Communication and Collaboration - At the successful conclusion of this program, students will be able to: Develop effective communication and collaboration skills for interacting with diverse population groups, healthcare professionals, and health care teams to contribute to increased health and health behaviors. As well as University Learning Outcomes, Skill and Knowledge.

  • Does the course have at least one course objective and one student outcome tied to an assessment activity?

    Course Objective: Develop new knowledge through the exchange and discussion of experiences to address complex problems and offer solutions in public health settings.

    Assignment: Students will identify health care disparity problems arid discuss solutions/allowed by a reflection of their experiences through a written report as well as a verbal presentation to other students and faculty in the Dental Hygiene program.

Personal and Institutional Safety

  • Is the location under a Department of State travel warning or alert? Level 4
  • Does the program avoid putting students, faculty, and Utah Tech in compromising, illegal, or unsafe situations?

    The group will stay at the same hotel and travel together in a bus to each location. One local chaperone will accompany the group for safety purposes.

  • Does the program avoid compromising student and faculty health?

    Students and faculty will be informed of the importance of only drinking bottled water and not eating foods that will put them in
    danger of sickness. Students and faculty are also required to stay with the group at all times.

Strategic Value

  • Does the program meet department, school, and university strategic priorities?

    This program will "broaden and enhance academic programs to facilitate growth" for the students and faculty.

  • Does the program have a solid in country contact or builds academic reputations and connections?

    This group works closely with Padre Rogelio, a local religious leader who is well known in the Dominican Republic

  • Will the program run for more than one year? (one year programs may be approved, but reoccurring programs are preferred)

    This program will be ongoing.

  • How many days is the program? 8 days

Cultural and Political Sensitivity

  • Does the program prepare students for and promote respectful and appreciative interactions with others with an understanding of the social, economic, political, historical, religious, and cultural context of their experience abroad?

    Students and faculty will meet prior to the start of the trip to discuss all of the above topics.

  • Does the program avoid siding with or supporting one political faction or political view over another?

    The program makes every effort to treat all individuals in need of oral health care regardless of their political views. Padre Rogelio works with the organization to ensure those who are in greatest need are treated.


  • Have you explored different options to provide the highest quality program without making the trip unattainable for students?

    Great effort is made to ensure airline costs. local transportation one/ lodging are affordable as well as safe.

Program Budget

Minimum number of students: 6

Maximum number of students: 6

Student Program Costs

International lodging $500.00
International activities $200.00
International meals $300.00
In-country travel $500.00
International travel insurance $14.40
Exchange Rate Differential
Total Program Director costs/min # students $0.00
Total Program Cost Per Student $1,514.40

Estimated Personal Expenses (not included in the program fee)

Airfare $825.00
Passport $165.00
Visa (if applicable)
Meals $150.00
In-country travel
Souvenirs/discretionary spending $100.00
Other Just stuff $300.00
Total Personal Expenses $1,540.00

NOTE: If, for any reason, the actual costs exceed the revenue generated through fees, the operating budget of the department controlling the prefix of the course associated with the travel study shall be liable to make up for any shortfall. The program can be canceled if the minimum number of students does not enroll.

Attached Files

Program Approval - College Dean

College Dean Decision

Please discuss any questions with the Department Chair before choosing the Program Needs Revision or Deny Program option. If revisions are needed or you deny the proposal, select the appropriate button and add comments. The proposal will be returned to the submitter to review.

Is the Program Director qualified to teach the course?
Does the total number of contact hours in class and while abroad correspond to the workload required for the number of credits?
Does the budget appropriately account for all expenses?
Do you acknowledge that if the budget is exceeded, your department will be responsible for covering the excess costs?
Does the study abroad program travel to a Level 3 or Level 4 country according to the US State Department's Travel Advisory list?
Under Policy 604, Level 4 destinations will generally not be approved. Travel to Level 3 destinations should be reconsidered and must be reviewed and approved by University Risk Management.